Upcoming Events

Concussion Seminar

Concussion Seminar

Join us for an informative and interactive seminar on the latest advancements in concussion management, presented by esteemed experts in pediatric sports medicine, chiropractic care, and physiotherapy

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Running Mastery Series - Workshop 3

About this event:

QubeCore chiropractor, Dr. Verity Stow, DC and kinesiologist, Hamed Ahmadpour are hosting a 3 part Running Workshop Series to help people identify and correct the most common issues amongst runners.

Correct and incorrect running biomechanics will be shown and talked through during all three workshops. Ways to fix running form with running cues, and low & high impact drills will be demonstrated and practiced. If time allows, then one-on-one walking and running gait assessments will be done!

Workshop #3 will be focused on Track running, drill practice, & running gait assessments.

Details: Both Dr. Verity Stow and Hamed Ahmadpour will go through practicing the low & high impact drills. Hamed will also go through plyometric drills. One-on-one walking gait assessments if time allows.

Limit of 20 spots per workshop

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Running Mastery Series - Workshop 2

About this event:

QubeCore chiropractor, Dr. Verity Stow, DC and kinesiologist, Hamed Ahmadpour are hosting a 3 part Running Workshop Series to help people identify and correct the most common issues amongst runners.

Correct and incorrect running biomechanics will be shown and talked through during all three workshops. Ways to fix running form with running cues, and low & high impact drills will be demonstrated and practiced. If time allows, then one-on-one walking and running gait assessments will be done!

Workshop #1 will be focused on sprinting biomechanics, and how to know when it’s right to get back to running.

Details: Hamed Ahmadpour will go through how to know when it is okay to go back to running/ to the track (tests + drills). Dr. Verity Stow will go through the difference between long distance & sprinting techniques. Hamed will teach high impact fundamental drills specific for dealing with the above issues. One-on-one walking gait assessments if time allows.

Limit of 20 spots per workshop

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Running Mastery Series - Workshop 1

About this event:

QubeCore chiropractor, Dr. Verity Stow, DC and kinesiologist, Hamed Ahmadpour are hosting a 3 part Running Workshop Series to help people identify and correct the most common issues amongst runners.

Correct and incorrect running biomechanics will be shown and talked through during all three workshops. Ways to fix running form with running cues, and low & high impact drills will be demonstrated and practiced. If time allows, then one-on-one walking and running gait assessments will be done!

Workshop #1 will be focused on the most common biomechanical causes of shin splints, runner's knee, and low back pain while walking and running.

Details: Dr. Verity Stow will go through correct biomechanics (via videos and explanations) and then what causes shin splits, runner’s knee, & low back pain due to anterior pelvic tilt. Hamed will be teaching low impact fundamental drills specific for dealing with above issues. One-on-one walking gait assessments if time allows.

Limit of 20 spots per workshop

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