Gait Analysis

Gait Analysis

Now offering Virtual Running Gait Analysis Assessments and follow up training! Book Now

Dr. Verity Stow is a chiropractor and has a Masters in Sports Medicine. She is also a specialist in running form, gait biomechanics and correct shoe recommendations. Dr. Verity spent almost two years in Austin TX evaluating and correcting the running gait of a large range of runners (from just starting to high end) in order for them to achieve their personal goals. Dr. Verity is an avid runner; therefore, she knows how frustrating it can be to have to "sit one out" due to pain or injuries.


Not many of us are taught how to run correctly, as a child or as an adult. Not knowing how to run correctly leads to pain, injuries and frustrations. That’s where Dr. Verity comes in. She provides personalized running and walking form evaluations with rehabilitation exercises catered specifically for you.


Dr. Verity has presented as a guest lecturer for master and undergrad classes at UT and UWS on gait biomechanics. She has taught running groups and coaches how to quickly identify and fix running common issues. She has and still works with various sports teams on their running and injury prevention.


The basic procedure goes as follows. Dr. Verity will evaluate your gait, and identify the biomechanical issues leading to your personal problems. She will go through what you are doing correctly and incorrectly. Then, together, the best running cues and exercises for you to fix your gait biomechanics will be determined. Don’t worry, Dr. Verity has numerous running and walking specific exercises. The new running form will be practiced multiple times before you leave to ensure that you feel comfortable. 


Tired of getting injured and don’t want to keep guessing what you’re doing? Then come see Dr. Verity Stow for a gait analysis. The process is simple, but it can be mentally tough. So, come ready to learn, run/walk and work out!